Real Estate Text Message Marketing: Simple Tactics For Big Results

Text message marketing
January 17, 2025

Marketingin the real estate industry usually depends on how well you communicate withyour customers. And with text messaging, you can easily convert your targetaudience to leads by sending them quick, recent updates.

Additionally,with the right SMS marketing tools, you can send personalized updates, offers, andreminders directly to your customers' phones within a short time.

Likewise,for real estate professionals, text messaging isn't just about comfort; it'sabout building trust and sending instant updates to their customers about anyrecent updates.

Usingthe best text messaging service for business, real estate professionals cansave time, boost client relationships, and scale their operations effectively.

Inthis blog, you will discover why real estate text messages work and theirtactics, practical tools for smooth message delivery.


Why Text Messaging Works For Real EstateMarketing?

Textmessaging is valuable for real estate marketing because it is quick andtrustworthy for client needs. Real estate professionals can send instantupdates, engage with customers directly, and personalize communication to closedeals more efficiently.

Followingare the 5 reasons why real estate text messages will work for real estatemarketing:-

1) Instant Communication

●  Best real estate textmessages allow you to remain connected with your customers. Whether you'reanswering a property inquiry or updating       clients about a viewing, texts ensureyou're always just a message away.

●  This immediate access fosterstrust and builds stronger relationships with clients. For real estateprofessionals, quick communication often       means faster decision-making and moreclosed deals.

2) High Engagement Rates

●  Text messages have an open rate of over 90%, making them one of the most practical ways to ensureyour message gets noticed. Use the top       real estate text messages to close dealseffortlessly.

●  This high engagement makestext messaging perfect for time-sensitive updates like price drops or newlistings. It's a smart way to keep clients       informed and interested.

3) Direct Targeting

● One of the most essentialbenefits of text messaging is the power to personalize your outreach. Whetheryou address clients by name or share      tailored property recommendations,personalized messages show you understand their needs.

● This direct approachstrengthens relationships and makes clients more likely to respond and takeaction. Also, utilize real estate text message      scripts to connect with buyerseasily.

4) Cost-Effective And Time-Saving

●  Text messaging is abudget-friendly marketing tool that delivers significant results withoutdraining your resources. Sending bulk texts is       affordable, especially comparedto traditional direct mail or paid ads.

●  Additionally, it saves timewith automation features that let you schedule reminders or follow-ups. Thiscombination of low cost and efficiency      makes it an essential tool for realestate professionals. You can also use real estate text message templates tomake your work effortless.

Don’t forget to check out this blog:Complete guide to omnichannelmessaging.

5) Builds Long-Lasting Relationships

●  Consistent communicationthrough text messages keeps you top-of-mind with clients even after the sale.Sending occasional updates, holiday       wishes, or tips about home maintenanceshows you care beyond the transaction.

●  This helps build loyalty andincreases the chances of repeat business or referrals. Happy clients oftenbecome your strongest advocates.

Best Text Messaging Tools For Real EstateProfessionals

To make your realestate text messages work so effortless, the following are the top 3 tools thatyou can use in your business:-

1) HelloSend

HelloSendis a powerful messaging tool for real estate text messages, and it can enhancereal estate marketing effectively. This straightforward platform allows you tosend personalized messages, schedule reminders, and track performanceeffortlessly.

Itssmooth integration with leading CRMs and real estate tools ensures hassle-freelead and communication management. HelloSend simplifies client engagement,making every interaction count.

Top Features:-

SMS Marketing

●       The SMS marketing featureallows you to engage with your customers quickly and provides you withpersonalized SMS campaigns.

●       So, you can connect directlywith customers via customized messages, timely updates, & deluxe offers.

●       It is Cost-Effective for anybusiness and provides Instant Delivery with High Open Rates.

WhatsApp Marketing

●  You can quickly expand yourbrand with WhatsApp. And connecting with billions on WhatsApp become soeffortless.

●   With HelloSend, you can enjoyinstant communication, multimedia support, personalized engagement, and more.

●   This text messaging tool isexpert on delivering high-impact messages instantly to your customer. To knowmore about it check out: WhatsApp marketing solutions.


●   Monthly Plan: $15 peruser/month with a minimum of 3 users.

●   Yearly Plan: $9 peruser/month with a minimum of 3 users.

●   HelloSend's pricing plans aredesigned to offer flexibility and value.

●   In both the plans, featuresmay differ.

●   To understand more about thepricing plan, click on HelloSend pricing plans.


HelloSendis integrated with Zoho, Shopify, Hubspot and Pipedrive platforms. To know moreabout integration, please visit: Hellosend Intergrations.

RelatedRead: Tips for personalized textmessage marketing.

2) TextMagic

TextMagicis a simple text messaging tool for businesses to boost client communications.It makes it easy for professionals to text, guaranteeing the professionalinteraction of the target client base.

Thistool also has an option for arranging follow-ups, but it has issues withscheduling.

Top Features:

●   Two-Way Communication:Easily interact with clients by sending and receiving texts directly, ensuringsmooth and effective conversations.

●   Scheduled Messages: Automateappointment reminder notifications by scheduling messages ahead of time.


●   Pricing starts at $0.049 per SMS.

●   Additional fees for virtualnumbers and premium features can be applied.

3) SMS Magic

SMSMagic is a messaging tool for businesses. It helps companies send text messagesdirectly to their customers. Specifically aimed at real estate agents, it integrateswith some CRMs, like Salesforce or Zoho, thus improving communication.

Top Features:

●  CRM Integrations: Itintegrates with CRMs like Salesforce and Zoho.

●   Multi-Channel Messaging: Engage clients on their choice platforms, including SMSand WhatsApp.


●  Pricing plans are customizedbased on business needs.

You can also check out this blog: SMS campaigns for eCommercegrowth.

Choosing The Best Text Messaging Service ForBusiness

The following are the things you shouldconsider before selecting a text messaging tool:-

1) Must-Have Features

Thebest tools are easy to use, support bulk messaging, and automate tasks. CRMintegrations and analytics ensure seamless operations and better campaigntracking. These features help you save time. You can also boost clientcommunication with real estate CRM text message features.

2) CRM Integration Matters

CRMintegration keeps client data organized and automates follow-ups. Itstreamlines communication, saving time while improving lead management. Forreal estate professionals, this is a game-changer.

Click here to read this blog: Optimize Zoho services withSMS communication.

3) Reasonable Pricing Plans

Lookfor flexible pricing that matches your business size and client base. Avoidchoosing the cheapest option; instead, pick a service that suits your needs. Agood plan is an investment, not an expense.

4) Tools That Make An Impact

Thebest text messaging services go beyond essential communication to offerfeatures like CRM integrations, automated responses, and lead management. Toolssuch as HelloSend, TextMagic, and SMS Magic are designed for real estateprofessionals for easy client interactions. With these tools, you can automatefollow-ups and track progress efficiently.

Andif you are looking for a cost-effective tool for your real estate business,check out HelloSend.

Effective Text Message Tactics For Real EstateBusiness

Here are the fivebest tactics for using real estate text messages in your business:-

1) Share New Listings

Textyour clients about new listings as soon as they hit the market. This createsexcitement and gives them a head start on properties they might love. Beconcise and include details like location, price, and a link to moreinformation. Quick updates like these keep your clients engaged and eager toact.

2) Promote Open Houses

Sendreminders about open houses to ensure maximum attendance. Please include thedate, time, and address to make it easy for clients to plan their visit. Addinga short note like "Don't miss this stunning property!" can sparkcuriosity. These messages create a sense of urgency and encourageparticipation.

Also, read this blog to learnsomething new: Integrating SMS into HubSpotcampaigns.

3) Follow Up Quickly

Followingup is one of the easiest and most effective ways to grab your customers'attention. A simple, friendly text like "Are you still interested in[property name]?" keeps the conversation going. Quick follow-ups showprofessionalism and can help turn lukewarm leads into serious buyers orsellers.

4) Send Appointment Reminders

Avoidno-shows by texting automated reminders before meetings or property tours.Include the time, location, and any important details to keep your clientsprepared. Appointment reminders reduce missed opportunities and show yourcommitment to providing a smooth experience.

5) Share Market Insights

Positionyourself as a trusted advisor by sharing market updates and real estate tipsthrough text messages. Highlight trends like rising property values or adviceon preparing a home for sale. These valuable insights help build trust and keepclients informed and engaged.


Textmessaging has become a significant tool for real estate marketing. It providesa simple, quick, and effective way to connect with your clients.

Followingthe above tips can help you easily select the real estate text messaging tool.Utilizing the best text messaging service for business can simplify work, savetime, and build stronger client relationships.

Toolslike HelloSend are beneficial for your business. They help you meet the uniqueneeds of real estate professionals and stay organized and productive by sendingreal estate text messages updates instantly.

So,start simplifying your real estate marketing with a text message tool today,and watch your business grow. Click here to try now!


1) What is SMS marketing in realestate?

SMS marketing inreal estate includes notifying clients, marketing properties, organizingappointments, and passing on important information using text messaging.

2) How do you write a marketing textmessage?

Keep the messagesimple yet profound, but add your persona to it. Add a call to action and makeit fit what was of interest or concern to the recipient.

3) How do you message a client in realestate?

Start with a politegreeting, address the client by name, share the relevant information orupdates, and end with a clear next step or question.

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